Hand-Drawn Animation, 2023
Swedish / English Subtitle, 18 min

Now I Live Again

Boonsri has a stomach ache and is trying to get help from the Swedish healthcare system. It doesn't take long until she was caught into the grip of pharmaceutical industry. We get to follow her struggle to break free.

Life Fitness Club

Meditation Instruction video of Palarnkhoi Mediation Center, Ubonrachtanee and Life Fitness Club, Bangkok

2D Digital Animation, 2019
13 min 33 sec, Thai


The Beginning

This episode is the final episode of Superbarbara and tells the story of a sex doll that transformed itself from being just a toy for men to become the savior of a world surrounded by endless problem.

Hand-drawn animation, 2018
Episode 13, 10 min, English


Saving The World

Superbarbara Saving the World is a hand drawn animation reflecting on recurrent problems in the world that are never solved. Different 'episodes' in the animation refer to different problems - each is instantly and universally recognizable not only because they are found everywhere, but because everywhere there is the same frustration for anyone who attempts to solve them.

Animation Project , 2011-2014
Episode 1-12